
Tuesday 11 October 2011

Last lesson we took the cameras out an about to try and film some test footage. This would benefit us through getting used to using the new cameras, exploring interesting shots and angles, and would give us the opportunity to practice editing footage on Adobe After Effects. We filmed many different sections of film, especially so that in the editing process we could use techniques like multiple exposure and reverse footage. For example, we filmed Laura pulling the petals off a flower and dropping them to the floor, and after putting it into reverse in After Effects it gave the impression that Laura was conjuring the petals between her fingers and putting the flower together. In the editing process we also experimented with speeding up footage, slowing it right down, and changing the colours. I changed the saturation of the flower footage so that the pink of the flower was the only thing in colour, and also experimented with a piece of footage of my eyes, making them bright and fluorescent colours. After practising this, it has made me more confident in approaching the editing process of my music video, and that there are many effects I could possibly apply.